8 thoughts on “Press release: LET OUR KIDS BE KIDS – 3rd MAY KIDS STRIKE”

  1. Thank you for organising this…My then 8 year old dyslexic son had an inter-academy test before Christmas which he didn’t understand and couldn’t do. I didn’t find out about it until the night before he went back to school in January when he broke down and told me he “doesn’t think he’s clever enough”. When I asked him what had happened, he said after he was refused help ” because it’s a test”, he just sat out the test at his table, quietly weeping. Heart-breaking…

  2. Reading Susie’s comment has made me well up in tears. What an absolute shame. Shame on a society that allows this to happen.

  3. Deeply distressing how almost all art has been stopped even in year 1. It’s just learn learn learn. Write write write. My daughter is highly creative and finds school in year 1 mindnumbingly boring. I am desperate to get creativity more fully included in the curriculum. And to help her to enjoy school more. How will ending SATS make a difference to this. It could just be the school that is at fault.
    Please respond. 😦

  4. My 11 year old daughter whom is due to sit her SATS next month is getting so worked up, she is feeling really anxious and keeps asking what will happen if she fails? She has 4 pages of SATS busters to do everyday and is really struggling with these, making her worry more about how she is going to manage in the tests. We have had tears and sleepless nights, it is too much pressure to put on children, they are 11 year old CHILDREN and have there while lives to feel the pressures of education and exams! It is so unfair!

  5. My Grandson is 6 years old a lovely child very outgoing loves to be out side doing all the things he loves to do all of the time learning through play. Since Christmas he does not like school any more just recently I found out he was traumatised and had to be removed from class because of this, I found out this was the day they were doing a mock sats testing day. He could not sleep that night he wet the bed and developed a bad stomach ache and in the morning refused to go to school. Luckily he has a lovely mother who after taking to her he opened up about the tests and that he was having another English test. My grandsons own words. “Its not just a piece of paper were you answer questions and get help, it is a big booklet and the teacher will not help you”. This says it all My grandson is not ready for these formal sat test, I know many children will cope and are happy to undertake them at an early age but lots are not and for this reasons testing of 6 year old she be abolished, or at least made not compulsory.
    Chris Rogers

    1. I’m also a grandmother and a retired teacher. I had to administer Year 2 SAT’s and although I thought they were unnecessary – I felt the children enjoyed their one to one time with me and were not stressed out. The outcomes of the tests always matched up with teacher assessments.
      Now 6/7 year olds are faced with test booklets – are you telling me they don’t know something different is going on?
      My 6 year old grandson had delayed speech and was not ready to start school. However, he has made fantastic progress, but when presented with something that he feels he cannot do he shuts down. He also faces resitting his phonic screening that he failed last year.
      At 6 years old – the pressure and failure is piling on.
      Learning is not a joy!
      Sarah Strou

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